Hi, my name is Samantha Hafliger. I am a senior at Edinburg High School. I enjoy hanging out ... Learn More

Samantha Hafliger
About Me
Hi, my name is Samantha Hafliger. I am a senior at Edinburg High School. I enjoy hanging out with friends and traveling. So far I have been to 41 states and Canada. This year I am really enjoying the CEO class because it is helping me figure out what I want to do after high school.
About My Business
Samantha Hafliger of Edinburg created a business named A Sweet Stem. In this business, Samantha makes saddles and bouquets that can put on top of graves or can be used for weddings, prom, special occasions, banquets, etc. Samantha can be contacted at asweetstem@yahoo.com or by phone at(217)-832-2126. Samantha states, “CEO has taught me how to be more confident in myself. It has also helped me with public speaking and selling things. CEO is a great class and I would recommend it to anyone.” Samantha will be graduating from Edinburg High School in May. After graduation, Samantha plans to go to Lincoln Land Community College for two years then transferring to a university.